
How Will Your Business Exist in The Metaverse?

Imagine simply having to put on a VR headset and you’re immediately transported into another world—a world quite similar to where you come from, only it is one that promises brand new experiences, exciting breakthroughs, and limitless possibilities. That’s the virtual space of the metaverse, and it could be arriving a lot sooner than you think.

Some would call it a “virtual world”, where everything that people do in real life is replicated but in a virtual way. The more technical people would say that it’s “collection of virtual spaces”, a world of unending, intertwined digital communities of people from all walks of life. Regardless of how you want to look at it, one thing’s for certain—the metaverse is slowly becoming a reality and has started to change our lives one way or another.

Let’s face it. We spend a great deal of time on the internet, whether for work or leisure. So why not make the time that we already spend better? In the metaverse, our lives on the internet will become more immersive, where we get to be inside our online experiences and no longer just looking at a screen. By means of avatars, which are 3D representations of ourselves, we’ll be able to explore the different kinds of experiences the metaverse has to offer.

Ever wonder what it’s like to do your shopping in any of the luxurious retail stores that line the busy shopping paradise that is Fifth Ave? The metaverse can take you there—like you’re present in the store, picking a designer handbag for yourself—no matter where in the world you actually are. From shopping, going to a concert, taking a trip, to visiting art galleries, the next version of the internet is sure to unlock a lot of amazing new experiences for you!

While it’s safe to say that the metaverse is going to alter the way we think and our entire way of living, there’s an even more important questions to ask from a business standpoint: How will the metaverse change the way we work and how can we be ready for it?

Since many businesses all over the world have tried their hands at “working virtually” during the raging of the pandemic, the idea of using AR and VR in the workspace for training, conferences and meetings, and providing better customer service is no longer bizarre and far-fetched. Picture this: Having a face-to-face meeting with a client, like you’re right in the room together, even though you’re from opposite sides of the globe.  Some years ago, this might sound like such a ridiculous idea—but thanks to VR and AR, our workspaces are constantly being transformed and things like this have become more plausible.

The metaverse can also enormously change how businesses and consumers interact with each other. Afterall, it’s the future of workspaces and lo and behold, it looks like it’s here to stay. Whilst some might say that we are years or even a decade away from reaching the vision people have for it today, it pays to be ready. If your business already has plans in place to provide a good metaverse customer experience, you’ll have an upper hand once it fully exists.

Sun Media is at the forefront in bringing the metaverse to life for your business.

We would love to get your business ready to step into the metaverse!

We have metaverse builders that can design and develop stunning metaverse environments for your business so you can vastly improve consumer experience and allow you to get closer to them.  We’re talking fully interactive and immersive virtual shopping environments at any time. Meaning, if you’re an online supplement store, you can bring in-store experiences to customers through the metaverse where your customers can virtually walk into your store and have a consultation with your fitness consultants. This is one of the projects that our team is currently working on for a client, along with the creation of a luxury clothing line for another client’s super stylish avatars.

As the first agency in Australia to accept cryptocurrencies and with our broad experience in crypto trading, we have the knowledge to guide you through everything you need to know about cryptocurrency, how it works, as well as its implications. Additionally, we have launched several cryptocurrencies and have built staking platforms.

Here at Sun Media, we can also help you jump on the NFT trend by creating an NFT for your brand or an entire collection for it! This way, you can increase brand awareness and engagement, whilst ramping up your exclusivity.

Fun fact: We have officially made our mark in the metaverse by buying two pieces of real estate for ourselves! So, if you’re interested in buying virtual land in the metaverse, we can guide you through the whole process and introduce you to our developers.

The metaverse can be many things, and we’ll discover even bigger things about it in the years to come. But let’s not forget its main purpose—connecting people.

We may be at the top of our tech game here at Sun Media, but as humans, we are such social creatures! And we’d love to have a chat with you. There’s a lot to unpack as your business leaps into the metaverse, and we’re here to get you ready for it.

Book a complimentary 60-minute strategy meeting today with Sun Media’s powerhouse metaverse development team.



Virtual Reality and how we’re using it everyday

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