Sun Media were engaged by this boutique real estate agency located in San Francisco to create and develop a new dynamic website for SF Bay to rapidly engage a new target audience with the brand and quickly gain their trust. UI design was a strong focus on statement imagery and simplicity allowing the user space around the featured real estate products for rent only. Featured reviews with hero imagery and bold statements. We used family orientated images for the target audience to resonate with, creating emotional connection and quick conversion through enquiry CTAs throughout the website. The site has an exceptionally fast rendering time and intuitive navigation to combat nature and competitiveness of the rental market in San Francisco. Provisions were made for scalable future growth.
Build strong brand alliances through design and unique points of differences. The primary focus was to market “Rentals” with the vision to expand on the current rent roll 100 to 500. To create a seamless experience for the user from online to when they step into the properties. Rate my agent was integrated on homepage also showcasing main points of difference within the first 3 seconds to encourage the user to scroll down and stay on the website. Brand alliances were added where possible for the target audience to resonate with. Features all-new imagery with hero shots throughout showing the emotive connection and end result where possible.
Target audience we designed for were profiled as male and female 25+, 35+, white/blue collar, and family orientated. Then separated into sectors, pages designed and developed with a strong focus on user experience and strong call to action throughout to encourage fast online conversions, lead generation and fast data collection. Homepage key messaging focusing on boutique rentals only featuring three properties, dynamic filter showing properties rent, real estate licence and features such as ‘Why SF BAY Real Estate and What's different’
Property designs showed layouts showing bedrooms; living areas; outdoor; floor areas; property dimensions; design features; floorplan. Property for rent; property maintenance; maintenance request; rental appraisal; tenancy application; rental alert where also all integrated into this robust digital experience.
Simply fill out the details and find the best time for us to call. Expect a call with some advice and a clear plan forward for your digital marketing needs